My 8 Year Old’s Eating Disorder Makes Me Mad

My elementary-age child has anorexia and I’m angry! She was diagnosed at age 7, and likely suffered for a year or two before I connected the dots. I have been treating her eating disorder for well over a year. She is now at a safe weight, and I supervise her meals. But I’m fuming mad. Every day I’m unrelentingly irate. I do things right, damn it! I am thoughtful and careful about how I raise her. I consider her physical, emotional and social well-being. I make choices to give her the best environment to learn, grow and thrive in. And I’m angry that I didn’t prevent this illness. My efforts didn’t insulate her and that unfairness enrages me. I admonished my well-meaning husband who squeezed her 18 month old legs and joked, “Boom! Thunder thighs!” I told him in no uncertain (and probably too intense) terms that he needs to never talk about her body, jokingly or critically. I worried by the time she could understand his words, the damage would already be done to her self-estee...